Agri-Hort Technology – Certificates

Program Overview

It is possible for a student to take a small grouping of courses which, taken as a unit, may satisfy requirements for a particular position within the agri-hort field. The student may make written application to the Office of Admissions and Registration to receive written verification of completion of the certificate program.

Ag Business

Curriculum code: V72A

COSC 1513Introduction to Information Processing

3 Credits

BSNS 1553Introduction to Business

3 Credits


BSNS 2113Small Business Management

3 Credits


BSNS 2553Principles of Management

3 Credits


MKTG 2063Fundamentals of Advertising

3 Credits

ACCT 1413General Accounting

3 Credits

MAFT 1323Lean and Quality Overview

3 Credits

Ag Construction

Curriculum code: V73B

Choose 18 credits

AGHT 1024Engineering Applications

4 Credits

CNST 1413Introduction to Bldg Construction

3 Credits

COGT 2114AutoCAD I

4 Credits

ELTR 1004Fundamentals of Electricity

4 Credits

ELTR 1174Natl Electric Code & Wiring Methods

4 Credits

MAFT 1323Lean and Quality Overview

3 Credits

Ag Power

Curriculum code: V71A

Choose 16-17 credits

AUTO 1064Internal Combustion Engines

4 Credits

AUTO 2233Heating & Air Conditioning

3 Credits

ELTR 1004Fundamentals of Electricity

4 Credits

ELTR 1073Hydraulic Systems

3 Credits

ELTR 1082Pneumatics & Electro-Pneumatics

2 Credits

MAFT 1323Lean and Quality Overview

3 Credits

Ag Production

Curriculum code: V73D

Choose 18 credits

AGHT 1103Introduction to Farmsteading

3 Credits

AGHT 1254Basic Soils

4 Credits


AGRC 1624Soil Science

4 Credits


AGHT 1013Integrated Pest Management

3 Credits


AGRC 1704Animal Science

4 Credits


AGRC 1153Companion Animals

3 Credits


AGHT 1024Engineering Applications

4 Credits

HORT 1323Fruit and Vegetable Production

3 Credits

MAFT 1323Lean and Quality Overview

3 Credits


AGRC 1724Plant Science

4 Credits


HORT 1014Fundamentals of Horticulture

4 Credits


HORT 1513Introduction to Horticulture Science

3 Credits


Curriculum code: V73A

Choose 18 credits

AGHT 1103Introduction to Farmsteading

3 Credits

AGHT 2022Special Topics

2 Credits


AGHT 1254Basic Soils

4 Credits


AGRC 1624Soil Science

4 Credits


AGHT 1013Integrated Pest Management

3 Credits

AGRC 1724Plant Science

4 Credits

BIOL 1504Principles of Biology

4 Credits

MAFT 1323Lean and Quality Overview

3 Credits


Curriculum code: V74A

AGHT 1254Basic Soils

4 Credits


AGRC 1624Soil Science

4 Credits


AGHT 1013Integrated Pest Management

3 Credits


HORT 1014Fundamentals of Horticulture

4 Credits


HORT 1513Introduction to Horticulture Science

3 Credits


HORT 1023Plant Propagation

3 Credits

MAFT 1323Lean and Quality Overview

3 Credits

Choose one

AGHT 1024Engineering Applications

4 Credits

HORT 1173Greenhouse Operations

3 Credits

HORT 1314Landscape Plants and Design

4 Credits


Curriculum code: V74B

Choose 18 credits

AGHT 1254Basic Soils

4 Credits


AGRC 1624Soil Science

4 Credits


AGHT 1013Integrated Pest Management

3 Credits


HORT 1014Fundamentals of Horticulture

4 Credits


HORT 1513Introduction to Horticulture Science

3 Credits


HORT 1314Landscape Plants and Design

4 Credits

HORT 1023Plant Propagation

3 Credits

MAFT 1323Lean and Quality Overview

3 Credits

Local Foods

Curriculum code: V74C

AGHT 1013Integrated Pest Management

3 Credits

HORT 1323Fruit and Vegetable Production

3 Credits

HORT 1023Plant Propagation

3 Credits

HORT 1173Greenhouse Operations

3 Credits


HORT 1014Fundamentals of Horticulture

4 Credits


HORT 1513Introduction to Horticulture Science

3 Credits


MAFT 1323Lean and Quality Overview

3 Credits

Metal Fabrication

Curriculum code: V73C

Choose 18 credits

COGT 2114AutoCAD I

4 Credits

MAFT 1323Lean and Quality Overview

3 Credits

MCHN 1214Machine Tool I

4 Credits

MCHN 1311Precision Measurement

1 Credit

MCHN 1323Fabrication

3 Credits

WELD 1114Basic Welding

4 Credits

WELD 1263Metallurgy & Heat Treatment

3 Credits

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