Job and Career info

Solar and wind technology jobs continue to grow or hold steady.

Wind - In 2014, the American wind energy industry installed 4,854 megawatts (MW), nearly five times more than the industry installed in 2013. The U.S. now has an installed wind capacity of 65,879 MW. There are more than 12,700 MW of wind currently under construction. Source: U.S. Wind Industry Fourth Quarter 2014 Market Report, American Wind Energy Association.

Solar - Over the last five years covered by the Solar Foundations National Solar Jobs Census, solar employment has grown by 86%. The 2014 Census found that the industry continues to exceed growth expectations, growing nearly 20 times faster than the overall economy. The U.S. solar industry currently employs over 174,000 Americans. Wages paid to solar workers remain competitive with similar industries. Including indirect and induced impacts, the solar industry supports approximately 700,000 U.S. jobs. The solar industry expects to add more than 36,000 solar jobs in the next year. 
Source: National Solar Jobs Census 2014, The Solar Foundation

See also: National Solar Jobs Census 2015, The Solar Foundation

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KCC provides this space to connect renewable energy employers and KCC renewable energy program graduates.To share a job opening or share your career information, please contact Professor Clay Sterling,