MEDT2044 Clinical Microbiology

This course is an in-depth presentation of clinical bacteriology. Topics to be covered include specimen collection and transport, normal human flora and the sites associated with it, medias used for culturing and identification of bacteria from human sources, pathogen susceptibility testing, and pathology and treatment of human bacterial infections. Also included is a study of human pathological mycology, the epidemiology and pathology of fungal infection, the culturing and identification of pathogenic and normal flora fungi and the treatment of fungal diseases. In addition, human parasitology including the epidemiology, pathology, identification from human sources, and treatment of parasitic infestations will be covered. The student performs laboratory exercises that simulate hospital procedures in clinical bacteriology, mycology, and parasitology.


4 Credits


Admission to the Medical Laboratory Technology program and BIOL 2714; or consent of instructor. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.


Medical Laboratory Technology

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours


