Air Conditioning and Refrigeration: Domestic Refrigeration Track, AAS

Air-Conditioning class

Program Overview

The Air Conditioning and Refrigeration curriculum prepares technicians to design, layout, install, repair and maintain commercial and domestic refrigeration units, air conditioning and heating systems, and related environmental units. Students enrolling in AIRC courses will be required to furnish a set of tools for their own use. Air Conditioning and Refrigeration graduates are generally prepared to enter air conditioning programs at selected colleges and universities with junior status.

Program Requirements

Major Courses

AIRC 1014Fundamentals of Air Conditioning

4 Credits

AIRC 1023Controls and Circuitry for HVAC

3 Credits

AIRC 1114Domestic Refrigeration

4 Credits

AIRC 1124Commercial Refrigeration

4 Credits

AIRC 1214Heating Plants

4 Credits

AIRC 1222Heat Pumps

2 Credits

AIRC 1313Air Handling

3 Credits

AIRC 1422Installation Skills

2 Credits

AIRC 2222Geothermal Systems

2 Credits

COGT 2114AutoCAD I

4 Credits

ELTR 1004Fundamentals of Electricity

4 Credits

ELTR 1174Natl Electric Code & Wiring Methods


ELTR 1402Industrial Safety


ELTR 2074DC & AC Rotating Machines


ELTR 2414Industrial Motor Control


ENGY 1102Customer Relations


Total Credit Hours:52

General education

COMM 1603Business Communication

3 Credits

ELTR 1503Survey of Renewable Energy


ENGL 1613English I

3 Credits

MATH 1103Technical Mathematics


PSCI 1114Applied Technical Science


Total Credit Hours:16

A higher level English course(s) can be substituted for COMM 1603 and/or ENGL 1613.

A higher level mathematics course can be substituted.

Total Credit Hours: 68

Suggested Course Sequence

Fall semester

AIRC 1014Fundamentals of Air Conditioning

4 Credits

AIRC 1422Installation Skills

2 Credits

ELTR 1004Fundamentals of Electricity

4 Credits

ENGL 1613English I

3 Credits

ELTR 1402Industrial Safety


ENGY 1102Customer Relations


Spring semester

AIRC 1114Domestic Refrigeration

4 Credits

COGT 2114AutoCAD I

4 Credits

ELTR 1503Survey of Renewable Energy


ELTR 2074DC & AC Rotating Machines


MATH 1103Technical Mathematics


Fall semester

AIRC 1023Controls and Circuitry for HVAC

3 Credits

AIRC 1124Commercial Refrigeration

4 Credits

AIRC 1222Heat Pumps

2 Credits

ELTR 2414Industrial Motor Control


PSCI 1514Introduction to Physical Science


Spring Semester

AIRC 1214Heating Plants

4 Credits

AIRC 1313Air Handling

3 Credits

COMM 1603Business Communication

3 Credits

ELTR 1174Natl Electric Code & Wiring Methods


AIRC 2222Geothermal Systems

2 Credits

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