Automotive Technology, AAS


Automotive Lab


Demonstrate safe work habits and techniques in the use of vehicles and equipment in shop operations.

Show proper usage of common measuring devices and automotive testing equipment.

Identify appropriate tools andmaterials required for the appropriate automotive repair.

Determine manufacturer’s specifications when making repairs and adjustments to vehicles.

Demonstrate diagnosis and repair of heating and air conditioning, brakes, engines, and electrical system issues within specific time limits

Program Overview

The objective of the Automotive Technology curriculum is to prepare students to enter the automotive service field with a proven degree of competency. The AAS program courses are designed to give the student entry-level skills in most phases of automotive repair. The student must realize, however, that to become an expert in the automotive field requires dedication and continued schooling. Automotive Technology graduates are generally prepared to enter automotive programs at selected colleges and universities with junior status.

Additional Program Information

A transfer agreement with at least one four-year college or university exists for this A.A.S. program. Students should consult an advisor for more information.

Program Requirements

Major Courses

AUTO 1021Service Shop Operations I

1 Credit

AUTO 1064Internal Combustion Engines

4 Credits

AUTO 1073Ignition & Electrical Systems I

3 Credits

AUTO 1123Ignition & Electrical Systems II

3 Credits

AUTO 1143Brakes

3 Credits

AUTO 1213Manual Transmissions & Driveline

3 Credits

AUTO 1223Automatic Transmissions

3 Credits

AUTO 2013Computerized Engine Controls I

3 Credits

AUTO 2206Engine Diagnosis & Overhaul

6 Credits

AUTO 2233Heating & Air Conditioning

3 Credits

AUTO 2243Alignment, Steering & Suspension

3 Credits

AUTO 2252Service Shop Operations II

2 Credits

COGT 2114AutoCAD I

4 Credits

COSC 1513Introduction to Information Processing

3 Credits

ELTR 1004Fundamentals of Electricity

4 Credits

Total Credit Hours:48

General education

COMM 1603Business Communication

3 Credits

ENGL 1613English I

3 Credits

MATH 1103Technical Mathematics


PSCI 1114Applied Technical Science


SOCY 2513Sociology

3 Credits

Total Credit Hours:16

A higher level mathematics course can be substituted.

Higher level English course(s) may be substituted for COMM 1603 and/or ENGL 1613.

Total Credit Hours: 64

Suggested Course Sequence

Fall semester

AUTO 1021Service Shop Operations I

1 Credit

AUTO 1064Internal Combustion Engines

4 Credits

AUTO 1073Ignition & Electrical Systems I

3 Credits

AUTO 1143Brakes

3 Credits

ENGL 1613English I

3 Credits

WELD 1114Basic Welding


Spring semester

AUTO 1123Ignition & Electrical Systems II

3 Credits

AUTO 2013Computerized Engine Controls I

3 Credits

COSC 1513Introduction to Information Processing

3 Credits

ELTR 1402Industrial Safety


MATH 1103Technical Mathematics


PSCI 1114Applied Technical Science


Fall semester

AUTO 1213Manual Transmissions & Driveline

3 Credits

AUTO 2243Alignment, Steering & Suspension

3 Credits

COGT 2114AutoCAD I

4 Credits

ELTR 1004Fundamentals of Electricity

4 Credits

MCHN 1311Precision Measurement


Spring semester

AUTO 1223Automatic Transmissions

3 Credits

AUTO 2233Heating & Air Conditioning

3 Credits

AUTO 2252Service Shop Operations II

2 Credits

COMM 1603Business Communication

3 Credits

SOCY 2513Sociology

3 Credits

MCHN 1214Machine Tool I


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