Paralegal/Legal Assistant Studies, AAS


Two Paralegal students


Students will describe and define the role of the paralegal in the legal profession through mastering legal terminology, reviewing basic legal research and writing techniques, and developing professional ethics.

Students will apply necessary paralegal skills from all previous courses into a) a real-life setting in a law firm or other legal organization or b) a comprehensive analysis of a problem or legal research issue.

Students will perform legal research in the library and online while stressing the fundamentals of legal analysis and writing, citation checking, and verification of authority.

Students will perform routine tasks involved in managing a law office, including managing case files, following ethics rules, and billing for work performed.

Students will research, analyze, and apply both federal and state codes, both civil and criminal, to a variety of fact patterns and will further be able to apply and analyze rules of evidence as they apply to those fact patterns.

Students will develop and apply their research and analytical skills to technology that is specific to a law office.

Students will develop the skills necessary to work on a variety of real property issues under direct attorney supervision, including document drafting and production.

Students will develop the skills necessary to work on a variety of corporate law issues under direct attorney supervision, including drafting and producing documents necessary to establish and maintain business organizations.

Students will develop the skills necessary to work on a variety of estate planning and probate issues under direct attorney supervision, including document drafting and production necessary to plan for and process probate proceedings.

Students will develop the skills necessary to work on a variety of family law issues under direct attorney supervision, including drafting appropriate documentation, managing case files, and conducting case-specific research.

Program Overview

The Paralegal/Legal Assistant Studies program is designed to train students as legal professionals who have the writing, thinking, and reasoning skills to effectively contribute to a legal organization. Program graduates may find employment opportunities in the judicial system, private law firms, state agencies, legal aid organizations, banks, title insurance companies, corporations and hospitals with corporate legal departments. Program graduates also are generally prepared to enter paralegal baccalaureate programs at selected colleges and universities with junior status.

Program Note

In many states, paralegals and legal assistants can carry out any function that lawyers perform with three notable exceptions: setting legal fees, giving legal advice to clients, and representing clients in court proceedings. Paralegals and legal assistants work directly under an attorney’s supervision, unless otherwise authorized by statute, court rules or agency regulations permitting paralegals to provide assistance directly to the public.

Additional Program Information

A transfer agreement with at least one four-year college or university exists for this A.A.S. program. Students should consult an advisor for more information.

This program is approved by the American Bar Association.

Program Requirements

Major Courses

PLAS 1103Intro. to Paralegal/Legal Assistant


PLAS 1123Legal Research & Writing I


PLAS 1133Legal Research & Writing II


PLAS 1153Law Office Management


PLAS 1213Civil Litigation


PLAS 2113Legal Technology


PLAS 2413Paralegal Internship


BSNS 1653Business Law

3 Credits

COMM 1603Business Communication

3 Credits

COSC 1352Word

2 Credits

COSC 1362Access

2 Credits

COSC 1372Excel

2 Credits

A grade of B or better is required in PLAS 1103.

Choose four

PLAS 2213Real Estate Law


PLAS 2223Estates. Trusts and Wills


PLAS 2233Criminal Litigation


PLAS 2253Corporate Law


PLAS 2263Family Law


PLAS 2333Laws of Evidence


PLAS 2403Special Topics in Paralegal Studies


Total Credit Hours:45

General education

COMM 1553Introductory Speech

3 Credits

ENGL 1613English I

3 Credits

ENGL 1623English II

3 Credits

PLSC 1513American Government


MATH 1704Contemporary Mathematics



MATH 1774Statistics

4 Credits

A higher level mathematics course may be substituted.

A higher level Spanish course may be substituted for SPAN 1503.

Choose one

HUMS 1513Introduction to Humanities


PHIL 2523Ethics


SPAN 1503Basic Spanish

3 Credits

Total Credit Hours:19

Total Credit Hours: 64

Suggested Course Sequence

Fall semester

PLAS 1103Intro. to Paralegal/Legal Assistant


BSNS 1653Business Law

3 Credits

COSC 1352Word

2 Credits

ENGL 1613English I

3 Credits

PLSC 1513American Government


COMM 1553Introductory Speech

3 Credits

Spring semester

PLAS 1123Legal Research & Writing I


PLAS 1213Civil Litigation


COMM 1603Business Communication

3 Credits

COSC 1362Access

2 Credits

ENGL 1623English II

3 Credits

Summer term

PLAS 1153Law Office Management


COSC 1372Excel

2 Credits

Fall semester

PLAS 1133Legal Research & Writing II


PLAS 2113Legal Technology


Humanities Course

3 Credits

Paralegal/Legal Assistant Electives

6 Credits

Spring semester

PLAS 2413Paralegal Internship


Paralegal/Legal Assistant Electives

6 Credits

Mathematics Course

4 Credits

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