General Education Courses for Applied Science Degrees

Occupational degree programs (Associate in Applied Science degrees) at KCC require the completion of several general education courses. These courses assist students in becoming contributing members of society by providing them with an opportunity to explore major values, ideas and bodies of knowledge. Through completion of general education requirements, students are expected to synthesize, develop and internalize personal values; develop a more global perspective of the human condition; strengthen basic skills in communication and computation; and integrate general and career-specific learning.

These general education courses also apply to students seeking Associate in General Studies degrees.

Career students intending to transfer should consult an advisor about IAI transfer requirements. Students in transfer degree programs should refer to general education requirements. The following list identifies the courses which meet KCC’s general education requirements for students seeking Associate in Applied Science degrees.

All courses listed in the IAI General Education Core are accepted as electives for occupational degrees.


BSNS 1603Business Communication

3 Credits

ENGL 1413Fundamentals of Writing

3 Credits

BSNS 1603 – for specific curricula only


ARTS 1503Basic Drawing

3 Credits

ARTS 1513Two Dimensional Design

3 Credits

ARTS 1603Drawing II

3 Credits

ARTS 1813Three Dimensional Design

3 Credits

ARTS 2513Painting

3 Credits

ARTS 2523Painting II

3 Credits

ARTS 2533Ceramics I

3 Credits

ARTS 2553Photography

3 Credits

ARTS 2563Photography II

3 Credits

ARTS 2573Introduction to Printmaking

3 Credits

ARTS 2583Color Photography

3 Credits

ARTS 2613Figure Drawing

3 Credits

ARTS 2623Figure Drawing II

3 Credits

ARTS 2713Introduction to Sculpture

3 Credits

ENGL 2533Survey of British Lit II

3 Credits

ENGL 2813Creative Writing

3 Credits

FREN 2524French Culture & Civilization

4 Credits

HIST 1534Western Civ Through Independent Study

4 Credits

PHIL 2543Death and Dying

3 Credits

SPAN 1503Basic Spanish

3 Credits

SPAN 1514Elementary Spanish I

4 Credits

SPCH 1563Interpersonal Communication

3 Credits

THEA 1813Introduction to Drama

3 Credits

ENGL 2533 – Study in England program


MATH 1113Technical Mathematics I

3 Credits

MATH 1123Technical Mathematics II

3 Credits

MATH 1213Applied Arithmetic

3 Credits

MATH 1414Basic Algebra

4 Credits

MATH 1424Intermediate Algebra

4 Credits

MATH 1453Geometry

3 Credits

MATH 1803Trigonometry

3 Credits

MATH 1814College Algebra

4 Credits

MATH 2113Technical Mathematics III

3 Credits

MATH 2613Differential Equations

3 Credits

Life science (laboratory science)

BIOL 1524General Biology II

4 Credits

BIOL 1564Intro to Anatomy & Physiology

4 Credits

BIOL 1614General Zoology

4 Credits

BIOL 1714General Botany

4 Credits

BIOL 2644Anatomy & Physiology I

4 Credits

BIOL 2654Anatomy & Physiology II

4 Credits

BIOL 2714Microbiology

4 Credits

BIOL 2803Gross Human Anatomy

3 Credits

Physical science (laboratory science)

CHEM 1504Basic Chemistry

4 Credits

CHEM 1524General Chemistry II

4 Credits

CHEM 2614Quantitative Analysis

4 Credits

CHEM 2714Organic Chemistry I

4 Credits

CHEM 2724Organic Chemistry II

4 Credits

PHYS 1524General Physics II

4 Credits

PHYS 2624Physics II

4 Credits

PHYS 2634Physics III

4 Credits

Social and behavioral science

HIST 1823African American History

3 Credits

HIST 1913Illinois History

3 Credits

PSYC 1013Practical Psychology

3 Credits

PSYC 2513Abnormal Psychology

3 Credits

PSYC 2563Alcoholism

3 Credits

Health education

PHED 1512Health Education

2 Credits