Agri-Hort Production, AAS

KCC greenhouse


Program Overview

The Agri-Hort Technology curriculum is designed to provide students with the basic knowledge and fundamental skills to work in a field related to production. This program is designed to meet the needs of students entering into the career field and those students looking to update their career skills.

Program Requirements

Major Courses

AGHT 1024Engineering Applications

4 Credits

AGHT 1013Integrated Pest Management

3 Credits


AGHT 1254Basic Soils

4 Credits


AGRC 1624Soil Science

4 Credits


AGHT 2012Internship

2 Credits


AGHT 2022Special Topics

2 Credits


AGRC 1704Animal Science

4 Credits


AGRC 1153Companion Animals

3 Credits


AUTO 1064Internal Combustion Engines

4 Credits

COSC 1513Introduction to Information Processing

3 Credits

ELTR 1064Fundamentals of Electricity

4 Credits

WELD 1114Basic Welding

4 Credits

Choose one

HORT 1014Fundamentals of Horticulture

4 Credits

HORT 1513Introduction to Horticulture Science

3 Credits

AGRC 1724Plant Science

4 Credits

Total Credit Hours:34-36

General education

BSNS 1603Business Communication

3 Credits


ENGL 1613English I

3 Credits


MATH 1123Technical Mathematics II

3 Credits

SPCH 1553Introductory Speech

3 Credits

General Education Course

3 Credits

Total Credit Hours:15

A higher level mathematics course can be substituted.

Choose the General Education course from the General education courses for Applied Science Degrees.


Choose 15 credits

AGHT 1103Introduction to Farmsteading

3 Credits

HORT 1023Plant Propagation

3 Credits

HORT 1173Greenhouse Operations

3 Credits

HORT 1323Fruit and Vegetable Production

3 Credits

AUTO 2233Heating & Air Conditioning

3 Credits

CNST 1413Introduction to Bldg Construction

3 Credits

ELTR 1034Fluid Power

4 Credits

ELTR 1174Natl Electric Code & Wiring Methods

4 Credits

MCHN 1214Machine Tool I

4 Credits

MCHN 1311Precision Measurement

1 Credit

Total Credit Hours:15

Total Credit Hours: 64

Suggested Course Sequence

Fall semester

AUTO 1064Internal Combustion Engines

4 Credits

COSC 1513Introduction to Information Processing

3 Credits

ENGL 1613English I

3 Credits

HORT 1014Fundamentals of Horticulture

4 Credits

Technical Elective

3 Credits

Spring semester

AGRC 1153Companion Animals

3 Credits

AGHT 1254Basic Soils

4 Credits

MATH 1123Technical Mathematics II

3 Credits

General Education Course

3 Credits

Technical Elective

4 Credits

Fall semester

ELTR 1064Fundamentals of Electricity

4 Credits

SPCH 1553Introductory Speech

3 Credits

WELD 1114Basic Welding

4 Credits

Technical Elective

4 Credits

Spring Semester

AGHT 1013Integrated Pest Management

3 Credits

AGHT 1024Engineering Applications

4 Credits

AGHT 2012Internship

2 Credits

BSNS 1603Business Communication

3 Credits

Technical Elective

4 Credits

Program Cost

Minimum credit hours required for completion 32.00
Tuition and fees – per credit hour 161.00
AGHT 1024 Engineering Applications 30.00
ELTR 1034 Fluid Power 30.00
ELTR 1064 Fundamentals of Electricity 25.00
ELTR 1402 Industrial Safety 110.00
MAFT 1112 Intro to Manufacturing & Safety 150.00
MAFT 1222 Quality and Measurement 150.00
MAFT 1232 Manufacturing Processes 150.00
MAFT 1312 Intro to Manufacturing Maintenance 150.00
MCHN 1311 Precision Measurement 10.00
TWDL 1113 Certified Logistics Associate 205.00
TWDL 1223 Certified Logistics Technician 145.00
Testing Fees:
MAFT 1112 Intro to Manufacturing & Safety 43.00
MAFT 1222 Quality and Measurement 43.00
MAFT 1232 Manufacturing Process 43.00
MAFT 1312 Intro to Manufacturing Maintenance 43.00
AGHT 1024 Engineering Applications 60.00
ELTR 1064 Fundamentals of Electricity 110.40
MAFT 1323 Lean and Quality Overview 222.65
MCHN 1311 Precision Measurement 57.60
*The same textbook is used for MAFT 1112, MAFT 1222, MAFT 1232 and MAFT 1312.
Registration Fees:
MSSC Registration Fee (one time) 60.00
TWDL CLT Registration Fee (one time) 60.00
TOTAL 7,049.65
All prices are subject to change.  Please visit Hammes Bookstore on KCC’s website for the most up-to-date textbook prices.

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