Radiography, AAS

Radiography student in health simulation session


Program Overview & Accreditation

Percentage of
total points

Letter grade
91% or above A
90% - 83% B
82% - 75% C
74% and below F

KCC’s Radiography Program is actively seeking programmatic accreditation through the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiology Technology (JRCERT). More information about JRCERT can be found at; or by contacting JRCERT, 20 North Wacker Drive, Suite 2850, Chicago, Illinois 60606-3182; phone 312-704-5300; fax 312-704-5304.

Program Requirements

XRAY 1014Introduction to Radiography

4 Credits

XRAY 1033Radiographic Anatomy & Positioning I

3 Credits

XRAY 1042Radiographic Quality

2 Credits

XRAY 1053Radiographic Anatomy & Positioning II

3 Credits

XRAY 1212Radiographic Image Analysis I

2 Credits

XRAY 1232Radiographic Image Analysis II

2 Credits

XRAY 1316Clinical I

6 Credits

XRAY 1326Clinical II

6 Credits

XRAY 1333Clinical III

3 Credits

XRAY 1346Clinical IV

6 Credits

XRAY 1356Clinical V

6 Credits

XRAY 2103Advanced Radiologic Technology I

3 Credits

XRAY 2125Advanced Radiologic Technology II

5 Credits

XRAY 2212Surgical and Special Procedures

2 Credits

BIOL 2644Anatomy & Physiology I

4 Credits

BIOL 2654Anatomy & Physiology II

4 Credits

COMM 1553Introductory Speech

3 Credits

ENGL 1613English I

3 Credits

PSYC 1813Introduction to Psychology

3 Credits

After successful completion of the 24 months of didactic and clinical education, the student will be awarded an Associate in Applied Science degree in Radiography. The AAS in Radiography allows the graduate eligibility to apply to take the ARRT (American Registry of Radiologic Technologists) national certification examination.

For successful program completion and graduation from the program, the student must meet all ARRT didactic and clinical competency requirements found here; and must have satisfactory completion of:

  • All required clinical hours and clinical objectives.
  • All competency examinations with a minimum of 75%.
  • All required XRAY curriculum course examinations with an average grade of 75% or better.
  • All radiography program courses listed in the KCC academic catalog with a grade of 75% or better. 
  • Any general education requirements needed for the AAS in Radiography.
  • All attendance requirements.


Suggested Course Sequence

XRAY 1014Introduction to Radiography

4 Credits

ENGL 1613English I

3 Credits

XRAY 1033Radiographic Anatomy & Positioning I

3 Credits

XRAY 1212Radiographic Image Analysis I

2 Credits

XRAY 1316Clinical I

6 Credits

BIOL 2644Anatomy & Physiology I

4 Credits

XRAY 1042Radiographic Quality

2 Credits

XRAY 1053Radiographic Anatomy & Positioning II

3 Credits

XRAY 1232Radiographic Image Analysis II

2 Credits

XRAY 1326Clinical II

6 Credits

BIOL 2654Anatomy & Physiology II

4 Credits

XRAY 1333Clinical III

3 Credits

XRAY 2212Surgical and Special Procedures

2 Credits

XRAY 1346Clinical IV

6 Credits

XRAY 2103Advanced Radiologic Technology I

3 Credits

COMM 1553Introductory Speech

3 Credits

XRAY 1356Clinical V

6 Credits

PSYC 1813Introduction to Psychology

3 Credits

XRAY 2125Advanced Radiologic Technology II

5 Credits

Clinical Education

Clinical education is a competency-based clinical experience. Students are assigned to a Clinical Education Center where they will be given the opportunity to apply the principles of radiography in a supervised environment for a scheduled number of hours each week. Students will be involved in all areas of general diagnostic radiography and may be introduced to specialized imaging modalities, such as CT. Students will be sent to at least two additional affiliated Clinical Education Centers in their 4th and 5th clinical courses.

The student will be expected to use the clinical experience to develop the skills required of an entry-level radiographer. Clinical education experiences will be guided by specific educational objectives found in each clinical course syllabi.

Clinical obligations:

  • The majority of clinical rotations are on the first shift: 7 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
  • More than three weeks, but no more than five weeks, are second shift rotations: 1:30-10 p.m.
  • Students are not scheduled on weekends or 3rd shift.
  • Students will rotate through two additional clinical sites in their second year (Clinical 4 and Clinical 5).

Affiliated clinical sites

The affiliated clinical sites are listed below. The number of students assigned to the clinical site is determined by the clinical site and in conjunction with the JRCERT standard.

  • Ascension St. Joseph Medical Center*
    Joliet, Illinois
  • Ascension St. Mary’s Hospital
    Kankakee, Illinois
  • Gibson Area Hospital
    Gibson City, Illinois*
  • Iroquois Memorial Hospital
    Watseka, Illinois
  • Morris Hospital*
    Morris, Illinois
  • OAK Orthopedics
    Bourbonnais, Illinois
    Frankfort, Illinois
  • OSF St. James John W. Albrecht Memorial Hospital
    Pontiac, Illinois
  • Riverside Medical Center
    Kankakee, Illinois

*Travel time is 60 minutes or more one way from KCC's Riverfront Campus.


Mission Statement and Goals

Program Mission Statement

The mission for the Kankakee Community College Radiography program is to promote and educate students coming from diverse backgrounds the fundamental skills, knowledge, and practice in order to prepare for positions as highly qualified entry level Radiographers. The program will promote life-long learning to keep abreast of the technologic advancements within medical imaging. Encourage individuals to be aware of social and health care needs within the community through service projects.

Program Goals

In support of the program’s mission statement, the following goals have been developed. Upon completion of the radiography program, the graduate will:

  1. Clinical Competency: Students will perform, in the clinical setting, competently as an entry-level radiographer.
  2. Communication Skills: Students must employ effective communication skills.
  3. Critical Thinking Skills: Students will develop and utilize critical thinking skills.

Program Outcomes

Student Learning Outcomes

The following student learning outcomes clearly state the expected knowledge, skills, attitudes, competencies, and habits of mind that students are expected to acquire during this program.

  1. Students will produce quality diagnostic images.
    - Students will comply with the principles of radiation protection standards to ensure a safe environment.
  2. Students will implement effective verbal communication skills.
    - Students will implement effective non-verbal communication skills.
  3. Students will utilize critical thinking skills to organize patient radiographic examinations.
    - Students will evaluate images for diagnostic quality & formulate necessary improvements.

Program Effectiveness Data

Following is the most current program effectiveness data. Our programmatic accreditation agency, the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology, defines and publishes this information. Click here to go directly to the JRCERT webpage.

Credentialing Examination: The number of students who pass, on the first attempt, the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) certification examination, or an unrestricted state licensing examination, compared with the number of graduates who take the examination within six months of graduation. The five-year average benchmark established by the JRCERT is 75%.

Credentialing Examination Year  Number passed
on 1st attempt
within 6 months of graduation
 % passed on
1st attempt within
6 months of graduation
 2020  10 of 10  100%
 2021  10 of 15  67%
 2022  12 of 12  100%
 2023  13 of 13  100%
 2024  16 of 16  100%
 Program five-year average  59 of 64  92%

Job Placement: The number of graduates employed in the radiologic sciences compared to the number of graduates actively seeking employment in the radiologic sciences within twelve months of graduating. The five-year average benchmark established by the JRCERT is 75%.

Year of graduation  Number employed within 12 months
of graduation after actively
seeking employment 

% employed
within 12 months
of graduation after actively
seeking employment 

 2020  10 of 10  100%
 2021  14 of 14  100%
 2022  12 of 12  100%
 2023  13 of 13  100%
 2024  16 of 16 100%
 Program five-year average  61 of 61  100%

Program completion: The number of students who complete the program within the stated program length. The annual benchmark established by the program is 75%.

Program Completion Year  Number who completed
the program and
number who started the program 
% who completed the program 
 2024  16 of 20  80%
 Annual Completion Rate  16 of 20  80%


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