Sociology, AA

Two students sitting down at a table in the college center at KCC.

Plan of Study in Sociology

The following curriculum is designed to satisfy the basic lower division requirements for sociology majors at senior institutions. If you have chosen a transfer institution, consult them to make course selections. Students are urged to first consult with an academic advisor and to continue to review their course selections and transfer plans with that advisor.

Use the Transfer Guide

Log on to MyCreditsTransfer at to see how your courses transfer to other colleges and universities. MyCreditsTransfer also offers program requirements and course equivalencies.


Program Requirements

ORIN 1541Foundations for Student Success

1 Credit

Credit Hours:1
SOCY 2523Contemporary Social Problems

3 Credits

SOCY 2543Racial and Ethnic Relations

3 Credits

SOCY 2553Sociology of the Family

3 Credits

Credit Hours:9
ENGL 1613English I

3 Credits

ENGL 1623English II

3 Credits

COMM 1553Introductory Speech

3 Credits

Credit Hours:9
MATH 1704Contemporary Mathematics

4 Credits

MATH 1713Finite Mathematics

3 Credits

MATH 1774Statistics

4 Credits

MATH 1834Calculus for Business & Social Science

4 Credits

MATH 2515Calculus & Analytic Geometry I

5 Credits

Credit Hours:3-5
Life Science Course

3-4 Credits

Physical Science Course

3-4 Credits

Credit Hours:7-8
Humanities Courses

9 Credits

Credit Hours:9
SOCY 2513Sociology

3 Credits

Social and Behavioral Science Courses

6 Credits

Credit Hours:9

13-14 Credits

Credit Hours:13-14

Suggested Course Sequence

ORIN 1541Foundations for Student Success

1 Credit

ENGL 1613English I

3 Credits

SOCY 2513Sociology

3 Credits

Life Science Course

4 Credits


3 Credits

ENGL 1623English II

3 Credits

HIST 2523History of the U.S. 1877 to Present

3 Credits

PSYC 1813Introduction to Psychology

3 Credits

SOCY 1613Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Belonging

3 Credits


3 Credits

SOCY 2543Racial and Ethnic Relations

3 Credits

SOCY 2553Sociology of the Family

3 Credits

ARTS 1643Non-Western Art

3 Credits

COMM 1553Introductory Speech

3 Credits

MATH 1774Statistics

4 Credits

ENGL 1743Introduction to Literature

3 Credits

PHIL 2513Introduction to Philosophy

3 Credits

SOCY 2523Contemporary Social Problems

3 Credits

Physical Science Course

4 Credits

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