Computer Graphic Technology: Social Media Specialization, AAS

A student listening to some form of audio with her headphones on

The Computer Graphic Technology Social Media Specialization Track is designed to prepare students for employment as social media marketing professionals. Students work in computer labs developing their graphics skills, techniques, and concepts through individual and team-based projects. Graduates of this program will work as social media marketing professionals to produce: social media, corporate branding, marketing materials, advertising materials, photography, promotional materials, and websites. This degree is not designed for transfer.



Possess a skillset of digital tools used in Adobe graphic design software.

Possess a skillset of digital tools used in Autodesk design technology software.

Exhibit evidence of visual presentation skills.

Show the ability to conceptualize design solutions.

Program Requirements

Major Courses

BSNS 1553Introduction to Business

3 Credits

BSNS 2113Small Business Management

3 Credits

COGT 1113Digital Photography

3 Credits

COGT 1123Intro to Web Design

3 Credits

COGT 1133Package Design

3 Credits

COGT 1213Photoshop Digital Imaging

3 Credits

COGT 12232D Animation

3 Credits

COGT 1233Document Design

3 Credits

COGT 1243Computer Illustration

3 Credits

COGT 2422Intro to Video Game Design

2 Credits

COGT 2432Digital Sculpting with Mudbox

2 Credits

COGT 2452Video Editing with Adobe Premiere

2 Credits

COGT 2463Social Media Marketing

3 Credits

COSC 1513Introduction to Information Processing

3 Credits

MKTG 1553Principles of Marketing

3 Credits

MKTG 2063Fundamentals of Advertising

3 Credits

Total Credit Hours:45

General Education

ARTS 1503Basic Drawing

3 Credits

COMM 1603Business Communication

3 Credits

ELTR 1503Survey of Renewable Energy

3 Credits

ENGL 1613English I

3 Credits

MATH 1103Technical Mathematics

3 Credits

Total Credit Hours:15

Total Credit Hours: 60

Suggested Course Sequence

0-15 credit hours

COGT 1113Digital Photography

3 Credits

COGT 1213Photoshop Digital Imaging

3 Credits

COGT 2422Intro to Video Game Design

2 Credits

COGT 2432Digital Sculpting with Mudbox

2 Credits

ARTS 1503Basic Drawing

3 Credits

16-30 credit hours

BSNS 1553Introduction to Business

3 Credits

COGT 1243Computer Illustration

3 Credits

COGT 1123Intro to Web Design

3 Credits

COSC 1513Introduction to Information Processing

3 Credits

ENGL 1613English I

3 Credits

MKTG 1553Principles of Marketing

3 Credits

31-45 credit hours

BSNS 2113Small Business Management

3 Credits

COGT 12232D Animation

3 Credits

COGT 1233Document Design

3 Credits

MKTG 2063Fundamentals of Advertising

3 Credits

MATH 1103Technical Mathematics

3 Credits

46-60+ credit hours

COGT 1133Package Design

3 Credits

COGT 2452Video Editing with Adobe Premiere

2 Credits

COGT 2463Social Media Marketing

3 Credits

COMM 1603Business Communication

3 Credits

ELTR 1503Survey of Renewable Energy

3 Credits

JOUR 1653Introduction to Journalism

3 Credits

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Total Credit Hours: 60