Transfer information

Students can begin the first two years of study for virtually any bachelor’s degree program at KCC.

KCC's transfer programs and plans of study include statewide recommended courses typically taken by freshmen and sophomores who wish to gain a solid academic foundation and transfer credits toward specific bachelor’s degrees at Illinois four-year colleges and universities. The recommendations, identified through the Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI), are meant for students who are undecided about their intended transfer institution. The recommended courses build upon the IAI general education core curriculum by identifying prerequisite courses and courses in the major that students may need to complete to transfer as a junior.

Students who know where they intend to transfer and students interested in a major not included in this section should contact a KCC advisor for assistance in obtaining the information needed to develop an appropriate educational plan.

Students planning to transfer should refer to the Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI) general education requirements.

Transfer Program Information

  • To satisfy requirements for a transfer degree, the first digit in the KCC course number must be a 1 or a 2, and the second digit must be either a 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9.
  • Non-specific electives can be any course with a transfer number, including those without an Illinois Articulation Initiative code (see details below).
  • The maximum number of physical education activity cred­its which can be applied to an associate in arts or associate in science degree is four (4) for non-physical education majors and seven for physical education majors.
  • Exceptions to all degree requirements must be approved by petitioning the Graduate Review Committee.
  • Up to 8 credit hours of non-transfer level coursework may be applied toward a transfer program if the student can document that his/her institution will accept the credit(s). Consult your advisor for more information.
  • It is the responsibility of the student intending to transfer to a baccalaureate college/university to familiarize him/herself with admissions and lower division requirements of the particular institution. Resources for many senior institutions are available at