Law Enforcement, AAS

The Law Enforcement curriculum is designed to meet the needs of two groups of students: those who plan to work with public or private agencies concerned with maintaining public safety and those already employed by law enforcement agencies who wish to update skills and knowledge. KCC also offers a Criminal Justice transfer program. Students should see the criminal justice/law enforcement coordinator to determine which program best suits their needs. Law Enforcement graduates are generally prepared to enter law enforcement programs at selected colleges and universities with junior status.



Explain the structure of the criminal justice system in terms of its major components.

Describe the nature of the rule law, and describe its purpose in democratic societies.

Understanding the role of human behavior and diversity in relation to offending, victimization, and respondig to crime.

Describe the nature of due process and specific constitutional amendments on which due process guarantees are based.

Identify and explain the roles of the various professional members in the criminal justice system.

Describe the goals of contemporary criminal sentencing.

Explain the similarities and differences between the juvenile and adult systems of justice.

List the various categories of theoretical approaches used to explain crime.

Program Requirements

Major Courses

LAWF 1513Introduction to Criminal Justice

3 Credits

LAWF 1633Police Ethics

3 Credits

LAWF 1713Basic Criminal Law

3 Credits

LAWF 1723Criminal Procedures

3 Credits

LAWF 1733Criminal Investigation

3 Credits

LAWF 1753Juvenile Delinquency

3 Credits

LAWF 2513Criminology

3 Credits

LAWF 2623Organization & Administration

3 Credits

LAWF 2723Introduction to Corrections

3 Credits

LAWF 2743Crisis and Conflict Resolution

3 Credits

Total Credit Hours:30

General education

COMM 1553Introductory Speech

3 Credits

PLSC 1513American Government

3 Credits

PSYC 1813Introduction to Psychology

3 Credits

SOCY 2513Sociology

3 Credits

Choose two

COMM 1603Business Communication

3 Credits

ENGL 1613English I

3 Credits

ENGL 1623English II

3 Credits

Total Credit Hours:18



16 Credits

Total Credit Hours:16

Choose from any elective area or LAWF prefix. Note: A maximum of two (2) credit hours can come from physical education activity courses.

Total Credit Hours: 64

Suggested Course Sequence

0-15 credit hours

ENGL 1613English I

3 Credits

LAWF 1513Introduction to Criminal Justice

3 Credits

LAWF 1633Police Ethics

3 Credits

PSYC 1813Introduction to Psychology

3 Credits


4 Credits

16-30 credit hours

ENGL 1623English II

3 Credits

LAWF 1713Basic Criminal Law

3 Credits

LAWF 1753Juvenile Delinquency

3 Credits

PLSC 1513American Government

3 Credits


4 Credits

31-45 credit hours

LAWF 1723Criminal Procedures

3 Credits

LAWF 2513Criminology

3 Credits

LAWF 2723Introduction to Corrections

3 Credits

COMM 1553Introductory Speech

3 Credits


4 Credits

46-60+ credit hours

LAWF 1733Criminal Investigation

3 Credits

LAWF 2623Organization & Administration

3 Credits

LAWF 2743Crisis and Conflict Resolution

3 Credits

SOCY 2513Sociology

3 Credits


4 Credits

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Total Credit Hours: 64