Manufacturing Logistics, Certificate




Explain Global supply chain logistics life cycle

Identify safe material handling and equipment operation

Demonstrate effective workplace communications

Identify safe handling of hazmat materials

Demonstrate measurements and metric conversions

Demonstrate effective teamwork and workplace behavior to solve problem

Identify Lean manufacturing concepts in the manufacturing process

Program Requirements

Major Courses

MAFT 1323Lean and Quality Overview

3 Credits

TWDL 1113Certified Logistics Associate

3 Credits

TWDL 1223Certified Logistics Technician

3 Credits

MATH 1103Technical Mathematics

3 Credits

ELTR 1402Industrial Safety

2 Credits

A higher level mathematics course can be substituted.

Total Credit Hours: 14

Suggested Course Sequence

0-15 credit hours

TWDL 1113Certified Logistics Associate

3 Credits

TWDL 1223Certified Logistics Technician

3 Credits

16-30 credit hours

ELTR 1402Industrial Safety

2 Credits

MAFT 1323Lean and Quality Overview

3 Credits

MATH 1103Technical Mathematics

3 Credits

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